Wayne Nelson, , of Howell assures you that restorative dental bonding is the easy, affordable way to correct chipped or misshapen teeth and tooth gaps.
Dr. Nelson's dental bonding isn't magic, but you might think the results are! A thin coating of plastic is placed on the front of any flawed tooth or gap and then a highly-trained cosmetic dentist like Dr. Nelson can literally sculpt a new, flawless tooth with a natural-looking substance. Dental bonding can even be used to replace metal fillings and eliminate metal mouth!
Dr. Wayne Nelson's restorative dental bonding is the fast and affordable cosmetic dentistry aesthetic makeover procedure that can dramatically redesign your smile for more natural-looking, beautiful teeth! To start your Howell journey to a beautiful smile, fill out the online form or call (517) 546-7211.
Brush Your Teeth Daily!
For good oral health, brush your teeth twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste!
How Old Is Your Toothbrush?
Replace your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won't do a good job of cleaning your teeth.
A Healthy Diet Makes a Healthy Smile!
For healthy teeth and gums, eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. Go easy on sugary treats!